Wednesday, June 3, 2009


It's a good idea to assess where we are before we try to determine where we want to go. Here are some questions I like to ask myself periodically so I can see where my starting points are: 1) In general, how do I feel about my lifestyle - how I live, my home, recreation, etc? 2) How is my self-esteem - how am I feeling about myself? 3) How disciplined and organized am I on a daily basis - am I able to do my life without feeling confused, rushed, etc? 4) How's my health - are there things I could do to improve? 5) How am I feeling about my career/job/avocation? Is it what I really want to do? 6) How am I doing in relation to the people in my life? 7) How are my finances? Are there things I could do to improve? And finally 8) Are there things I would like to do to further my personal growth?

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