Monday, March 16, 2009

Time and Values

One of the major reasons for clearly knowing your values is that you can prioritize your time more effectively. There are an infinite number of ways to spend each 24 hours, and without having a conscious idea of what you value, you most likely will just drift along doing whatever comes up. This was how I lived my life for the first 40 years or so. It is still a challenge for me to decide how to spend the hours of each day because drifting is second nature to me. However, since I try most days to decide based on what's the most important to me, my life goes more or less in the direction I most desire. For example, I am a "get it done" kind of person. But what's actually the most important to me are the people that I love. Left to my own instincts, I might never get around to spending time with people I love.

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