Sunday, April 1, 2012

The "Right" Side of the Brain

There's nothing wrong with the left side of the brain if we use it the way it will work the best for us.  It's great at logic, math, language, figuring things out and reminding us to stop at stop lights.  But our whole culture is based on the left side of the brain - to our detriment.  Our egos live over there in the left side of the brain and work hard to make us believe that our happiness and joy will come from making ourselves look good to other people.  For example, when we pay attention to the thoughts constantly passing through our minds, we will probably notice that our egos are trying hard to convince us that how we look in terms of our appearance, our possessions and our status in society will make us happy.  Maybe you've noticed this in yourself and other people and have also noticed that doing everything "right" doesn't help us be happy.  Rather it tends to make us anxious, on edge, and constantly striving for perfection that's impossible to reach.

On the other hand, the right side of the brain is where wonder, creativity, love, intuition and joy reside.  Getting into the right side of the brain in a world where almost everything is about the left side is a huge challenge.  Nevertheless, it's worth the effort to learn to spend a good part of every day seeking to live from the right side of the brain.  Being in nature and really paying attention: hobbies that access the right side of the brain such as art, poetry, dance; meditation - all these can bring us closer to using our brains in a way that can bring us closer to the life of our dreams.

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