Monday, April 16, 2012

Cleaning Out the Left Brain

Although I believe the Life of Our Dreams can only be found in the right brain where our intuition resides, it's very, very difficult to get to our right brains when our left brain's inbox is full.  For most of my life I got up in the morning already feeling hassled and behind on GETTING THINGS DONE!  I jumped into my life at a furious pace and fell down exhausted at night.  Finally I came to my senses and began to try to learn what to do to quit living like that.  Quite a journey it's been too. 

There are lots and lots of books and seminars out there about how to get everything done.  I've tried all of it.  And the truth that I discovered is that there is no possible way to get everything done.  I don't know about everybody else's brain, but mine can think up important stuff to do faster than I can work.  So it turns out it's about making choices, about deciding on priorities.  And that has turned out to be incredibly difficult because my left brain doesn't know what's really important.  My ego resides in my left brain and will only be satisfied if I get EVERYTHING done.  So now I'm back to needing to get into my right brain but I can't because of all the stuff hanging out in the inbox of my left brain. 

Finally I learned that the left brain inbox can be emptied onto a piece of paper.  It feels so lovely to write down every single thing my ego thinks I need to do.  Then I go back and write down what I think the outcome of each activity should be.  I store this list both in hard copy and in my data base.  Then there is blessed peace in my head so I can think clearly about what my heart and soul are telling me is really important.

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