Friday, April 20, 2012

The Artists Way

Getting rid of the ego's thoughts is one way of getting in touch with what we really want.  The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron is a book written to help artists who are blocked get past the block.  One of the primary tools is the "morning pages" activity.  By rapidly writing three long hand pages every morning, the ego gets its ideas recorded and it finally shuts up so that the creativity of the writer can come to the surface.  If we listen just to our egos, we will always be caught up in the "stuff" that needs to be done in order for us to look good to other people. Stuff like clothes, hair, cars, houses, jewelry, etc.  Of course a certain amount of maintenance is needed to get along in the world, but none of it really contributes to the life of our dreams.  What does contribute to the life of our dreams is the love we give, the fun we have, what we create, the enjoyment we have in the world. 

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