Saturday, April 25, 2009

I can't because....

Since I work with people who want to make changes in their lives, I have heard a lot of statements that they think are reasons and I think are just excuses. My favorite one is, "I don't have time." In fact, I've used that one a lot myself. What that really means is that I haven't made whatever it is a priority. What's sad is that what replaces the activity that would change my life, is usually something like mindless t.v. Actually, everyone has the same amount of time: 24 hours a day. It's annoying to those of us who think we don't have time to exercise to look at Michelle and Barak. Both of them look to be in great shape and from what I hear they get up extra early and put in the time to exercise. Hmmm. Exactly what would I be doing that would be more important than what they're doing? What could be more important than creating the life of my dreams?

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