Monday, February 23, 2009

Foundation for Change, continued

So far we've been working on getting touch with what we REALLY want for the life of our dreams, getting rid of our negative and "victim" thinking and then preparing for change by resting, sleeping and giving ourselves the best nutrition. We've also made a "NOT-to-do" list to make room and time for new behaviors. We now realize that we do not know when we or anyone else will leave this earth, so we may have only a little time to express who we really are and live the life of our dreams. However, we are not going to be able to do this by ourselves and without an environment that will support us. "We wouldn't order a spider to spin an exquisite web in empty space," says Barbara Sher in How to Get What You Really Want. So, now it's time to think about what kind of support we want and need.

One of the hugely important things I've learned is that when I want to start something new, making a list of people I know, calling them or emailing them and telling them about it and asking their input is the absolute best way to get going. I've learned that I have the most amazing friends and acquaintances. It doesn't matter what my latest thing is, I find that some of them know where the resources I need are and others that can help. This where I always start. Over time I've done some things people have told me were impossible. "How did you do that?," they've asked. The answer always is, "I called up everyone I knew and asked their help."

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