Friday, March 15, 2013

Making Room for my REAL Life

Clutter exists in time as well as space.  No one ever told me that.  I had to figure it out for myself.  There are innumerable time-wasters that can clutter up my life.  With the advance of the internet and electronic devices, we have many more time clutter problems than before.

I thought the way to get rid of time clutter was to figure out what to eliminate, but even though that sounds logical, it's actually backwards.  It doesn't work the way eliminating material clutter does. 

With material clutter I can just make a pile of stuff I want to simplify, and then divide it into: 1. a pile of trash  2.  things to give away or sell and 3.  things to put away.  With time clutter I just use what I've learned about what moves my heart and put those things into a time slot.  Of course, that means heart activities will crowd something out, but once I know what the heart activities are, I find it really easy to see which time clutter things need to go. 

It works just fine for me to check email and Facebook only once a day and use that time to write posts for my two blogs.  I've completely given up ironing.  I still have a little ironing board but I just use it to iron labels on my daughter's clothes and to let company iron their stuff.  It's a lot easier to do dishes as I go along rather than making a big production of it once a day.

When I'm living from the heart, writing, taking pictures, spending time with people I love, cooking new dishes and just enjoying my peaceful life easily crowds out stuff that really doesn't matter in the long run.

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