Monday, May 21, 2012

Checking Up on Yourself

Maybe you're like me; maybe you're not.  But the life of my dreams always eluded me because I forgot what it was and what I intended to do to get it.  The daily tasks and events of life completely distracted me from the big picture.  I started reading books on organization because I kept running out of time and couldn't get everything done.  What I learned from those books was that life was not about getting everything done; it was about getting the stuff done that would get me to the life of my dreams. 

The major thing was to get down in writing what I wanted (from my heart; not my ego).  Then that piece of paper needed to be in front of me every day when I made my to-do list for the day.  We're getting closer to the end of May, the 5th month.  So in another month and a week, we'll be half way through the year.  I know where my piece of paper is - it's in the front of my journal where I look at it every day.  Do you know where yours is?  I hope so because if you don't know, there's a good chance you've not been including the things that will get you to the life of your dreams on your to-do list.  So, it's not too late.  Before July 1 - the official halfway point of the year - best get that piece of paper and get going!

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