Friday, December 23, 2011

It's Almost Here

Christmas is almost here - ready or not.  Us women usually are the ones who "make Christmas."  Standards (that we made up) are getting higher and higher.  If something we do one year is a big hit, it's a tradition and we have to do it every year, right? 

Every year some people write articles about how it's crazy to spend the days before Christmas rushing around in circles, wearing ourselves out to get everything perfect - does anyone listen?  The older I got, the less I was physically, emotionally, and mentally capable of doing it all.  One year I was out in a snow storm buying food for a party on Christmas Eve that almost no one came to because of the snow storm.  Something kind of crazy about that. 

I'm celebrating Christmas again this year - like many others in the recent past - celebrating the spirit of love.  There are some gifts but I bought them with my cash back from my credit card.  None of them are wrapped - they're in boxes and bags.  For a lot of the people that I don't know well that I wanted to give gifts to, I gave cash and Christmas socks.  The cash was a big hit!

And the Christmas miracle for me is that I don't feel guilty!

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