Sunday, June 5, 2011

Rituals for Home

For me rituals are the way I can make the ordinary things I do everyday more enjoyable.  Since I eat, sleep and take baths everyday, why not make those habits a little more enjoyable?  I've been doing some of these things for over twenty years now and still enjoy them. 

There are almost always fresh flowers on my table.  When I quit smoking almost 27 years ago, I promised myself that I would always have fresh flowers.  The money I was saving on cigarettes was enormous and a $5.00 bunch of flowers at the grocery store was surely not going to break the bank. 

Some time in there I fell in love with soft, flowing, new age music and began a collection.  I also found radio stations that played it, so you will almost always find that type of music playing in the background at my house. 

Someone gave me a scented candle many years ago, and I fell in love with those too.  I don't like all of them, for sure.  I mostly like herbal and flower scents, and so there's almost always one of those candles burning when I'm at home. 

I have two particular types of bubble bath that I like and every bath I take is a bubble bath.  From time to time I try others but always come back to my favorites.  I've used what I call my extra cigarette money to buy sheets I like.  In the summer they're satin and in the winter they're flannel. 

My bedroom is as much a reflection of what I love as anything in my house.  For example, there are a myriad of teddy bears on the bookshelves covered with books I love.  The teddy bears were all given to me by friends when I was in the hospital after a terrible wreck.  I look at them before I go to sleep and am reminded that love always surroundeds me.

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