Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A Day Off

According to the Bible, God took a day off.  Many religions recommend the day off idea, but how many of us actually do it?  I've noticed that when many people "take a day off" they rush around doing a bunch of things they consider fun and arrive at the end of the day, completely worn out!  My idea of a day off is to sleep as long as I do in the morning and take a nap if I get sleepy in the afternoon.  I eat food I love, making sure it's what my body wants and needs.  It turns out that it's not true that the only food I love is food that's not good for me.  There are lots and lots of ways to fix vegetables and fruit that I truly love!

I listen to music I love and really listen to it.  I lie down on the floor so I can feel the vibrations of the music, close my eyes and don't do another thing but listen.  I listen until I'm full of music and am ready to do something else.  Usually that entails several hours of reading since I love to read but usually read in spurts.  Several hours of reading is an incredible treat.  On my day off I almost always spend a lot of time outside.  If the weather is hot, I will probably make this time early in the morning (instead of sleeping in, I have a longer nap).  If the weather is very cold, I may just take some time to look out a window for awhile.  Even if it's too cold to sit outside, I can walk around for a little while and just take in my surroundings.

My day off is a good time to take a bubble bath for as long as I want to.  Sometimes I get a pedicure or a massage.  For much of my life I was a driven person - anxiety about not getting everything done wore me out even if I was lying down.  After several years of that, I was ready to have days off when all I did was nurture myself!  Someone elses' day off will surely look different than mine, but I believe days off are completely necessary for the life of our dreams.

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