Thursday, July 5, 2012

Freedom from Expectations

This is a day late for Independence Day.  However, in the spirit of independence, I want to share that much of the feeling of bondage I used to have came from my expectations of how things are "supposed" to be.  In recovery groups, it's said that expectations are premeditated resentments.  My expectations kept me from spending time and energy on living the life of my dreams.

Here's the truth I've discovered - expectations come from my ego - my idea of how other people are supposed to behave.  When they don't behave the way I expect, I feel justified in being angry and feeling superior (my ego loves to feel superior).  Never in my life have I ever felt happy and peaceful while feeling superior.   I feel happy and peaceful when I let go of expectations, live from my heart rather than from my ego, and enjoy what is, moment by moment.

" Expect nothing; live frugally on surprise."  -Alice Walker

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