Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Every delay is a wasted opportunity. For time is a most precious and irreplaceable resource.
Each time you think of an excuse for not taking action, overpower it. For each single excuse, quickly come up with two good, solid believable reasons for moving forward.
Yes, if you choose you can talk yourself out of doing what must be done. Fortunately, you are just as empowered to talk yourself into taking any necessary action.
Decide to blast away every excuse with two good reasons for going ahead and moving forward. And the odds are two to one that you will indeed reach whatever goal you choose.
-- Ralph Marston

So, let's try this and see what happens. The procrastination list (the stuff on the "to-do" list that stays there from day to day, month to month, year to year) that stays in our heads, draining our energy, making us feel less than and fearful - two good reasons might banish it forever. Another step into the life of our dreams!

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