Saturday, November 29, 2008

What you think you want is usually not really what you want. Most of the time, what you think you want is merely a clue, a hint, a pointer to what you truly desire. When you feel that you want something, challenge yourself to find the deeper desire that's responsible. Ask yourself why, and be completely honest with your answer.

If you pursue life's fleeting, superficial wants, you're setting yourself up for disappointment, even when you get what you want. Instead, take the time to understand your deeper desires, and you'll find countless ways to bring real, meaningful and lasting value to life.

When there's something you want, ask why, again and again until you uncover a purpose so authentic that it cannot be denied. And when you do, you'll also see that your desire has already begun to be fulfilled.
-- Ralph Marston

It can take years to discover that what we think we want isn't it. But once we know to look deeper - because we have so often gotten what we wanted and it didn't bring the joy and value to our lives we thought it would - we don't have to waste time on the wishes for a new car, new clothes, and more money. We can zero in on who we really are and what our purposes on earth really are. From purpose flows true desire and the capability to capture the life of our dreams.

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